Tuesday 13 December 2011


- development of travel logo
- clear headline (pt of heady) 
- overlapping images on 'ears' 
- conventional lay-out
- not dissimilar from original draft/rough sketch of plan
- use of colour
- technology - website - twitter link on radio advert - audience
- advertisement of Gastropub Guide links to poster/ sport round-up and property - CLEAR LINK between formats


- number of stores - changed - more realistic?
- house style - unique
- CAPITAL letters in intro 
- big images - dominance
- link to questionnaire
- in keeping with conventions - alternate style
- inspiration from new-look Bristol Evening Post


- editing PhotoShop effects 
- house style - colour for sport continuous
- property is black - key words in bold
- FREE - conventional 
- original images
- edit of White Lion - brighter/ more attractive than original 
- simplistic title - effective
- use of logo
- slogan - layout 

Thursday 8 December 2011


What do I need to include?

- Justification of name
- Questionnaires
- Music choice - put Radio song in background of video
- colour scheme
- logo
-audience feedback

- house style evident
- reminder of brand
- technological convergence
- obvious brand
- bold 'Element'
- use of fonts/masthead

- use of InDesign - professional standard
- PhotoShop
- blogger
- GarageBand - Rihanna ref?
- Camera - pixelated

- style of new Evening Post
- i Paper
- initial research link

- narrative structure

Monday 21 November 2011

Radio Ad

The creation of my Radio Advert is now at an advanced stage as I begin to clear up and condense all of my clips into a seamless advert which applies to my target audience for the Element newspaper. I have omitted a couple of clips that I deemed over-accented as the Bristolian accent was somewhat exaggerated and began to imbalance my advert.

I want to ensure that my advert applies to my audience throughout from the tone to the lexical choices. I have created a clip that isn't too long however isn't too short, and the balance in length of my advert is healthy and sufficient. I have managed to include features that I initially planned to include, such as expressions and sounds relating to a busy scene.

Important features currently inside my advert include:
- clear busy scene
- evident accent, relating to location of newspaper - close to Bristol area
- clear knowledge of brand and purpose - not irrelevant
- family appeal/scenes - ie. pub/dinner/community/talking/neighbour
- reference to jobs - local community
- upbeat- relevant song choice - ideal for captive audience

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Specials - Music Choice

Rudi, A Message to You

The current song choice of the Specials cover of Rudi, A Message to You works well with my target audience as it hints and targets certainly the family man in my audience which is predominantly middle-aged. The song represents the youthful side of the men that are an integral part of my audience that are now likely to be married and have children.

It is also attractive to my younger audience as the song is perhaps deemed something of a classic today after being used in other adverts for national chains. The song represents the status of a young audience which applies to 'the Element' as a paper aimed for the family audience in this modern town.

The song which was originally recorded by Dandy Livingstone as part of the rock-steady  movement as well as the fashionable 1960's Jamaican ska . Bearing the originality and popularity of this song at the time the track contains a nostalgic appeal to my audience which again is bias to men due to the sort of sound it creates.

The choppy chords create a rousing and positive sound which maintain the demographic of my audience as well as clear aspects of the cheeriness and happiness that my paper is supposed to connote. The chords and offbeat sounds connote positivity from the music and about my newspaper, thus promoting 'the Element' efficiently.

Monday 14 November 2011

Radio Advert

I have also began to use alternative software from my home-computer in order to maximise the use of time and use all of the technology available to me, to create my Radio Advert. Using a basic and perhaps lesser quality sound recorder from my computer, I have recorded more snippets of voiceover as well as music that could feature in my Radio Advert.

I have experimented with plenty of apparatus and also used my own kitchen utensils in order to gain certain parts of my radio scene, for example the use of real-life knife and forks in order to create a sound effect to use on GarageBand, via saving the clip as an MP3 compatible with iTunes.

Since beginning the production of my Radio Advert I have also contemplated a few other ideas to perhaps include or dismiss:

- include an musical intro for 'bulletins' or speech in advert
- the idea of a dispute over music to kick-start advert, which would create family feel as well as reality
- the use of ongoing background noise as well as background music track
- background music track cannot be too lively or override/derail speech itself

I will now gain some initial feedback from my initial ideas and recordings from my peers about what works and doesn't work so well in my advert.

Sunday 13 November 2011

Newspaper Feedback

As part of my ongoing practical production I have flashed my newspaper in front of people in order to gauge the feedback of what would be my audience for my newspaper. The Element newspaper was designed with a specific audience in mind, that of a family audience for a chic town, hence the modern and sleek appearance.

But I know this, now it was a case of gaining crucial feedback from potential and prospective readers about my newspaper. Below I have listed some of the feedback from my audience:

"Great use of colours, like the bold colour scheme which works effectively"

"Story is local and close to home,written with all members of family in mind, ie job emphasis"

                                    "feel-good factor in appearance"

"bold and clearly understandable"

                                        "different style and unique lay-out"

                 "positive newspaper!"

"pictures on inside page are captivating and dominant without overpowering whole page"

" like the stat for Waitrose story, again different from conventional paper"

                                                    "unsure on the lower case 'the"

"statistics appear evidently fictional"

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Radio Advert advances

I have now finalised two certain tracks in the form of 'Message to you Rudy' and spontaneously 'Give it Up' by KC and the Sunshine Band as I feel they both offer upbeat feel-good factors to my radio advert, which simply needs to stand out and reflect my community brand.

I have started to trawl through 'soundbible' an online site in search of sounds which I can add into my advert in order to make my advert phonetically sound more realistic as well as importantly entertaining and engaging. My use of GarageBand is improving day-by-day and I have already established new skills such as that of varying the volume to fade in and out by simply adjusting it at different 'points' on specific tracks.

The detail I can go into would appear huge which is great as GarageBand will allow me to create a Radio Advert of maximum quality. I have also made simple changes such as renaming the tracks instead of the default name, to something that will allow me to recognise a track, without playing it aloud.

I am aware that at the moment my advert is currently very 'male-heavy' even at this very early stage and I need to address that in order to gain this family feel about my newspaper. I want my newspaper to be professional and for it to be solely one-sided and revolve around just men speaking would appear cheap as well as even sexist.

I need to make sure I have a good balance throughout my advert, whether it is about what gender is speaking over my background noise. Or the mix between noise and silence as well as formality and informality. I have plenty of things to constantly consider when creating this advert as I mustn't diverge and be distracted and as a result create a irrelevant advert for an audience that just doesn't match.

Saturday 5 November 2011

Radio Advert

Radio Advert

I have now started the production of my Radio Advert as one of my subsidiary tasks to match my brand that I am creating 'The Element' newspaper which I have already created. I have already drafted some initial ideas on the blog as well as a script, of which crucially included music in the background.

This music via the use of a connection from my iPod to the Mac I am using to create my advert enables me to select any of my thousands of songs from my Music Library to then choose to put into my radio advert, as an experiment in GarageBand.

I have selected music by the Specials 'Message to you Rudy' as I feel it incorporates my brand as a song, even without the dialogue. The track is well-known and upbeat, it also applies to a range of ages having originally been released in 1979. My newspaper has a distinct target audience that are modern and live in a chic town that has this funky brand as its newspaper.

I want to gain the normality of my audience through the music and dialogue to allow it to interest a 'family audience'. I want my paper to get people involved, bring the family together and as a result the community. My idea of my radio advert is to recreate very normal every-day scenes with the occasional touch of class which will be expressed through word choices and even the prosodic features of my advert.

I am using GarageBand which is an application installed on the Macs, an application that can professionally create music as well as something like my advert. GarageBand is such professional equipment it has been used by multi-million stars such as Rihanna to actually create music tracks on her album.

I am steadily getting used to another new application and programme to add to my portfolio of programmes which I have started to adapt to since starting A Level Media Studies. GarageBand is quick and easy to use, and the use of being able to simply speak into the microphone and for it to accurately record my voice, is priceless in terms of 'playing around' with my advert to experiment with the software to ensure the best possible result.

As a result of this experimenting I have already noticed things such as people speaking at the same time in one recording sounds messy and jumbled. It isn't clear and as a modern and fresh newspaper, the 'Element' radio advert has to be just that in all of my practical productions; Newspaper,Radio Advert and Poster. I have also simply experimented with the amount of decibels the microphone can listen to as well as applying basic affects to alter original voice.


For my newspaper I have encountered a difficulty with PhotoShop as the one holiday image I want to use on my front cover is coming out very small on InDesign when saved as a JPEG after editing. I need all of images to appear clear, crisp and of the best quality.

My newspaper is at a very advanced stage. I am satisfied with the overall appearance of my paper however I need to still adjust the following things:

- Holiday advert
- Image quality
- Writing quality
- Narrative
- Lexical choices
- Proof read


I have now created a very rough draft for my other ancillary task which involves the Element logo, that of the art that appears alongside the masthead on the paper. I want to maintain the same house style throughout whilst retaining my minimalistic and modern appearance.

Monday 31 October 2011


Holiday photo from Agadir,Morocco with Text overlayed for Holiday advert

Original cactus image -filter effects via Photshop - abstract image potential for Holiday advert
I have since adjusted the design of my travel logo and have decided to use the same effects with PhotoShop as I used when drafting my idea originally, with an image just from the internet. I have now applied the same technology and minimalistic appearance to create a compelling advert.

I have retained conventions of an advert such as a slogan,address and a dominant brand. In this case 'palm tree travel' which is aimed to reflect fellow real-life independent travel agency, 'Miles Morgan Travel'. I feel the lower case name is more effective than the capital letters, and that it creates an air of class and professionalism, that is likely to attract my fairly affluent readership.

This company are designed to cater for the whole family, in keeping with my target audience however the brand is interesting and different, a like my newspaper brand; 'the Element'. 

Original Image

Previous Advert

Latest Draft


Friday 28 October 2011

Initial Radio Script

click to enlarge - radio script

Plan for auxillary task

click to enlarge - advert plan

I made a 'Chevron Chart' to show my initial ideas on the far left, to then extra details that I thought were important to include in the middle, with a final comment at the end, on something to include or avoid when making my Radio Advert.

I have already briefly looked into Radio adverts before starting my advanced creation of my newspaper itself. I have three different headings which I will use to ensure everything is right when creating my Radio ad. 

Thursday 20 October 2011

Photos for cover ad

Barcelona holiday photo, Palm Tree; potential for Holiday advert

Beachfront, can edit Palm Tree to focus for advert

Cactus with detail

Cactus impacted by sunlight

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Newspaper, Radio Ad and Poster

Photos - Use of PhotoShop

Use of gradient tool
Burn tool
Magic airbrush




What next?

- Editing photos for cover
- new photo for story on cover - replace 'yob' shot
- radio scripts
- look at language of newspaper, what needs to be in advert?
- auxiliary task research

Monday 17 October 2011

Photo for advert

Correct age

Arms clearly folded
reflects ad/story
Smile - taskmaster

Finished shot
White background
Overlaps the line on ears/ads 

Adding to first draft

- Businessman photo
- edit photo of Lewin Nyatanga
- brainstorm advert ideas
- travel agent idea
- finalise articles in narrative structure
- use of filter on PhotoShop

Tuesday 11 October 2011


I created this logo for a travel agents following influence from independent travel agents in the area such as Miles Morgan Travel. I have also contemplated creating a food advert however I believe that my target audience will enjoy this advert and it doesn't seem out of place on my page. 


Thursday 6 October 2011


This is the latest and official first draft of my local newspaper and I am pleased with the overall layout and paper as it is at the moment however appreciate there is still plenty of room for improvement. The advertising isn't complete and I still want to add an image to the first 'ear' advert at the top of the page. I want to include a businessman image, somebody with their arms folded in a suit to reflect the advert for jobs. 
The house style is evident in both pages however is dictated on the front cover as even the fonts for the adverts are certain colours, decided by the colour picker tool on InDesign which allows me to find the same colour again and again. 
The dominant purple banner below my masthead acts as plat-form in which my stories and images revolve around it. This allows my masthead and logo, which is another ongoing thing, as I continue to decide what photo to use as my logo and how to edit it. 
It is important that my brand is recognised in all three of my practical pieces however the newspaper needs to portray it arguably more than the others. 

Things I need to focus on now or improve on my front cover include:
- Travel advert 
- businessman image to match advert/plug for inside page
- finalise logo
- re-read/write articles to ensure clarity
- make sure my paper has conventions of local newspaper

My draft for my inside page again shows a great change since my initial planning however now I am satisfied with it and in the direction it is going. I like the use of my house style and how the brand slots nicely around the stories, which is why my audience are reading the newspaper. 

Things to now improve on inside page:
- correct and re-read stories
- perhaps look for better picture to match cover story
- play around with lay-out 
- question an extra advert onto the page? 

Below is a video of myself talking and reviewing the newspapers development from just an idea to how it is at the moment.

Monday 3 October 2011

Element - New Front Cover

Above is the initial design of my new cover where I dismissed the idea of a second coloured block at the top as I decided it unbalanced the front cover. I also have resized my image for what was only an advert on the ears of my page, resizing it again through the use of technology and InDesign to quickly shift the design to put more emphasis on a Sport focus and section inside my paper. 

Below you can see where I attempted moving my logo which is the image of a piece of inspirational art where the newspaper would be distributed. The logo I felt appeared out of place on the right-hand side and instead the logo, when overlapping the word 'Element' as it does currently, concludes the Element as that brand. It creates a solid brand identity whilst freeing up crucial free space for adverts and for further space to expand stories.

These images represent the latest design of my front cover which following another in-depth look at the new style Evening Post and remembering my target audience I have decided to freshen up my cover, and give it hints of colour and new features that would give it an independent identity and brand. 

I have maintained my slogan and house style but have added to that house style by creating a striking cover revolved around an iconic and somewhat classic style masthead. There are still some gaps in terms of the correct logo, an ongoing process via Photoshop to recreate a similar image to the one already in place. I like the idea of the logo overlapping one or two of the letters from the masthead whilst a main news story inside is also clear through my original photo of my footballer , Lewin Nyatanga, which fits in to the style of a local newspaper. 

This human shot balances a page which is dominated by a main image from my cover story. I also plan to add further photos onto the page, with my travel advert which is already in place. Whilst adding a photo to my 'ears' at the top of the page. 

The coloured box which stretches across the page identifies a house style which will flow through the whole paper, into my inside page as well as posters. The price stands out in a stylish manner whilst the fonts remain classic yet engaging. The headline font still retains the conventions of a regular local newspaper whilst the masthead and other headlines lighten up the page.

Friday 30 September 2011

Logo Photos - ready for editing and cropping

This photo alike all of the below were taken to form the base of my logo for my newspaper. I aim to crop around the outside of the angel and instead use almost a silhouette of the image as part of my striking logo. Here, I like the way in which the arms spread out and convey an open and welcoming image to the reader.

This photo is similar to the one above and is possibly closer to my finished article, in terms of my logo as you cannot see so much detail on the material and shape of the angel itself. However this photo also highlights some grey areas in terms of minute gaps of the body which would have to be filled in order to be part of my logo.

Different angle, same image. Striking pose makes it viable for Element logo

Long shot, the shape retains class and stature, which I want my paper and brand to suggest

I zoomed in heavily on this photo and this couldn't really help me in my publication unless it appeared at the bottom or top of the page near page numbers or something similar. A possibility to use, but only as influence as a logo.

Unity, is what this image portrays to me and I actually like the detail and colour here. The extended arms are something that could be used to fade the image and retain focus on the body should it be kept as a logo.

A really engaging shot that I can play with to see if it could work as a logo or if not in some capacity as my brand. On my poster it's a possibility if using Photoshop I could edit it to perhaps grayscale the figures but perhaps give one a splash of colour in-keeping with my house style and modern appearance.

Bad photo, further influence for logo though

You can see the diversity this image portrays alone and this sort of zoom really allows the angel to dominate which it may or not do as part of the Element brand. Not every newspaper logo is known as a logo? Ie examples such as the Sun which are more about the brand.

Same style shot, unity and individuality together as one

Wonky shot, not viable for logo, although perhaps could match quirky Element style.

Broad and dominant, would work acutely as a logo

After cropping this could work wonders. Perhaps with two different coloured angels holding hands as they are could bring the Element as a paper and a brand to life. Real substance

I took all of these photos of public art in Portishead in order to ensure I had the right shots to be able to have my logo for my local newspaper, 'the Element'. The images will have to be cropped in order to stand alone as the current pixelated image does on my front cover. I have thought about multiple layers of the same image or similar angles to create a really striking image for perhaps my cover or even just to impact on my poster. 

Images such as the one directly above could also be used to reflect unity whilst symbolising the local area as a logo and as part of my brand.