Tuesday 8 November 2011

Radio Advert advances

I have now finalised two certain tracks in the form of 'Message to you Rudy' and spontaneously 'Give it Up' by KC and the Sunshine Band as I feel they both offer upbeat feel-good factors to my radio advert, which simply needs to stand out and reflect my community brand.

I have started to trawl through 'soundbible' an online site in search of sounds which I can add into my advert in order to make my advert phonetically sound more realistic as well as importantly entertaining and engaging. My use of GarageBand is improving day-by-day and I have already established new skills such as that of varying the volume to fade in and out by simply adjusting it at different 'points' on specific tracks.

The detail I can go into would appear huge which is great as GarageBand will allow me to create a Radio Advert of maximum quality. I have also made simple changes such as renaming the tracks instead of the default name, to something that will allow me to recognise a track, without playing it aloud.

I am aware that at the moment my advert is currently very 'male-heavy' even at this very early stage and I need to address that in order to gain this family feel about my newspaper. I want my newspaper to be professional and for it to be solely one-sided and revolve around just men speaking would appear cheap as well as even sexist.

I need to make sure I have a good balance throughout my advert, whether it is about what gender is speaking over my background noise. Or the mix between noise and silence as well as formality and informality. I have plenty of things to constantly consider when creating this advert as I mustn't diverge and be distracted and as a result create a irrelevant advert for an audience that just doesn't match.

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