Monday 21 November 2011

Radio Ad

The creation of my Radio Advert is now at an advanced stage as I begin to clear up and condense all of my clips into a seamless advert which applies to my target audience for the Element newspaper. I have omitted a couple of clips that I deemed over-accented as the Bristolian accent was somewhat exaggerated and began to imbalance my advert.

I want to ensure that my advert applies to my audience throughout from the tone to the lexical choices. I have created a clip that isn't too long however isn't too short, and the balance in length of my advert is healthy and sufficient. I have managed to include features that I initially planned to include, such as expressions and sounds relating to a busy scene.

Important features currently inside my advert include:
- clear busy scene
- evident accent, relating to location of newspaper - close to Bristol area
- clear knowledge of brand and purpose - not irrelevant
- family appeal/scenes - ie. pub/dinner/community/talking/neighbour
- reference to jobs - local community
- upbeat- relevant song choice - ideal for captive audience

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