Tuesday 15 November 2011

Specials - Music Choice

Rudi, A Message to You

The current song choice of the Specials cover of Rudi, A Message to You works well with my target audience as it hints and targets certainly the family man in my audience which is predominantly middle-aged. The song represents the youthful side of the men that are an integral part of my audience that are now likely to be married and have children.

It is also attractive to my younger audience as the song is perhaps deemed something of a classic today after being used in other adverts for national chains. The song represents the status of a young audience which applies to 'the Element' as a paper aimed for the family audience in this modern town.

The song which was originally recorded by Dandy Livingstone as part of the rock-steady  movement as well as the fashionable 1960's Jamaican ska . Bearing the originality and popularity of this song at the time the track contains a nostalgic appeal to my audience which again is bias to men due to the sort of sound it creates.

The choppy chords create a rousing and positive sound which maintain the demographic of my audience as well as clear aspects of the cheeriness and happiness that my paper is supposed to connote. The chords and offbeat sounds connote positivity from the music and about my newspaper, thus promoting 'the Element' efficiently.

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