Saturday 5 November 2011

Radio Advert

Radio Advert

I have now started the production of my Radio Advert as one of my subsidiary tasks to match my brand that I am creating 'The Element' newspaper which I have already created. I have already drafted some initial ideas on the blog as well as a script, of which crucially included music in the background.

This music via the use of a connection from my iPod to the Mac I am using to create my advert enables me to select any of my thousands of songs from my Music Library to then choose to put into my radio advert, as an experiment in GarageBand.

I have selected music by the Specials 'Message to you Rudy' as I feel it incorporates my brand as a song, even without the dialogue. The track is well-known and upbeat, it also applies to a range of ages having originally been released in 1979. My newspaper has a distinct target audience that are modern and live in a chic town that has this funky brand as its newspaper.

I want to gain the normality of my audience through the music and dialogue to allow it to interest a 'family audience'. I want my paper to get people involved, bring the family together and as a result the community. My idea of my radio advert is to recreate very normal every-day scenes with the occasional touch of class which will be expressed through word choices and even the prosodic features of my advert.

I am using GarageBand which is an application installed on the Macs, an application that can professionally create music as well as something like my advert. GarageBand is such professional equipment it has been used by multi-million stars such as Rihanna to actually create music tracks on her album.

I am steadily getting used to another new application and programme to add to my portfolio of programmes which I have started to adapt to since starting A Level Media Studies. GarageBand is quick and easy to use, and the use of being able to simply speak into the microphone and for it to accurately record my voice, is priceless in terms of 'playing around' with my advert to experiment with the software to ensure the best possible result.

As a result of this experimenting I have already noticed things such as people speaking at the same time in one recording sounds messy and jumbled. It isn't clear and as a modern and fresh newspaper, the 'Element' radio advert has to be just that in all of my practical productions; Newspaper,Radio Advert and Poster. I have also simply experimented with the amount of decibels the microphone can listen to as well as applying basic affects to alter original voice.


For my newspaper I have encountered a difficulty with PhotoShop as the one holiday image I want to use on my front cover is coming out very small on InDesign when saved as a JPEG after editing. I need all of images to appear clear, crisp and of the best quality.

My newspaper is at a very advanced stage. I am satisfied with the overall appearance of my paper however I need to still adjust the following things:

- Holiday advert
- Image quality
- Writing quality
- Narrative
- Lexical choices
- Proof read


I have now created a very rough draft for my other ancillary task which involves the Element logo, that of the art that appears alongside the masthead on the paper. I want to maintain the same house style throughout whilst retaining my minimalistic and modern appearance.

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