Friday 30 September 2011

Photo - logo - art angel
theguardian - definite article
new BEP layout - why
feedback from teacher
colour scheme
comparing old with new
photoshop - images
human photos
Guillaume picture.

Since the very start of creating my newspaper, the use of 'the' as a definite article is an interesting one in terms of how I use it as a masthead. Do I ignore it and just call my paper the Portishead or something element, using a place name as a replacement for the definite article. But I have instead decided to retain it, and keep hold of the 'the' by underlining it and using it to not only dominate my masthead but to build up my brand just as the guardian newspaper did by making their brand all lower-case.

I could have easily used standard grammar for The Element but instead I have remained happy with the lower case 'the' whilst making 'Element' stand out in a bigger pt font too.

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