Friday 16 September 2011

Inside page developments

Above is the first print-screen of my inside page. It is a very basic yet effective layout, one I have witnessed regularly in publications including the Evening Post and I wanted to briefly show where I would put pictures with the filled-in text boxes and to show where I would have my headlines on the page. I have also created the headlines which evolve around original story ideas although could still change. 

The above screen-shot was taken after some more work on my inside page, introducing the two main stories, which need to dominate the page through layout, imagery and the font including the size. I have started the intro of the stories, in capital letters whilst adding blue boxes where I will put in extra images.
Here, I have put photos from the internet in place of what will be my original photo on the inside page. These photos indicate the type of shot I plan on having as well as shaping the page up slightly more.

Here I have more-or-less finished stories, with the narrative structure which I will go into in more detail. The stories are set in columns, a like a paper such as the Evening Post who tend to use six columns across the page whereas I have used four so far. I have added headlines with a bigger headline weight, from 23-28pt to show the importance of the story, one which will continue from the front page. 

This allows me to finish writing my front page as well as showing further evidence of research by recreating something that professional publications also do. Papers often run exclusives, or show previous editions of the paper as an image alongside the paper, instead I have opted simply to put 'from front page' to easily direct my reader around 'the Element'.

I have ensured that I have my slogan, brand identity and date at the top of the page so the reader can get all the essential information free. I have also added in a byline, something which often appears on published newspaper articles.

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