Saturday 9 July 2011

Evening Post vs My Newspaper


My front cover will be my immediate focus once I start using the Mac software to create my publication and I will outlay this focus by drafting my front cover through IT. I want to ensure that I don't ignore the Evening Post model I have as a very successful local paper, and mine should not be too far off it. If it is then my paper won't appear professional or real. I have to bear in mind things such as pricing which my audience want and be realistic with my production.
I have to have a balance between advertising and stories and the stories have to appeal to my specific audience. I want the strap line to be bold and memorable, and for that to almost direct the title of my paper as this phrase will be integral in both my inside page, my radio advert as well as my poster. It's this sort of motto or strap line that spreads the word and buys you a readership. Here are some examples from professional publications:


My inside page will consist of two adverts and four stories, of which should fit to the initial layout plan above. I want to have images for each story although the middle two will share the same format.

This is recording of my interview which I then re-recorded in order to post it here on my blog. The initial interview was carried out the same day via Dictaphone although I didn't want to focus solely on one person speaking. I had hoped to run it just as audio therefore the image here on the video is intended to be black.

This interview was with my mother as a regular Evening Post reader and as someone who didn't fill out my questionnaire, it was an unbiased way of gaining more views and opinion for my own local newspaper.

A few photos of each
sketches vs copies of EP.
word count
table of comparisons - price etc

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