Saturday 9 July 2011


- Name: The Element
- Audience: Aimed at Parents of all ages, most of whom will have children at the local schools.
- Stories: 
Bristol City Charity Match visit school
Crime: Knife attack in Portishead
Spread: Pubs set to close down
Sport: Tough start for Posset in Cup
House Prices increase in P'head
Waitrose set for expansion
Charity Cycle Ride - Pretend Celeb Star
Murder: followed story
Neighbour jailed over spat
- Potential Photos: 
-Bristol City archive - As a season ticket holder and after organising an event for two Bristol City players to come into our school, I have plenty of images and enough information to make this a story, providing it fits the criteria of my target audience.
-Pictures of houses in Marina - Pretend photo of Estate Agent valuing the house?
-Pictures of Waitrose Supermarket, local, clear, I work there, easy to do.
- Charity Cycle Ride, clean up bike, Battery Point, War Memorial, Iconic - of high importance? Could be striking.
- Create my own map of area where a murderer went along with timings etc, this could include cut out of previous edition showing credability and previous story
- Gang shot - Crime
- Mug shot - mise-en-scene important - could even use silhouette black/white image - underage convict?
- Pubs set to close- images of several Pubs in Area, might not work due to Pub Activity?
- Portishead Town face tough cup draw - could show stressed manager in correct clothing? Tracksuit, Initials on tracksuit etc?

- Potential Adverts:
-Food Outlet - "BITEtoEAT"
- Houses pull-out - pictures of Vale/Housing Estate
- Cars for sale - PICTURE of Family/Friends Car
- Football inside - Local matches/Bristol City
- Travel voucher/WIN/Competition inside - ensuring it isn't tacky - Holiday Photos could be used?

What essential things do my Target Audience want?

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