Saturday 9 July 2011

Analysis of my questionnaire

Questionnaire time!
After creating my questionnaire I have narrowed down and established what my audience for my paper will be. I have researched existing local newspapers whilst taking features from national newspapers such as the 'i' and basic knowledge from tabloids such as the Mirror and the Sun.

It is important to not just solely focus on the Evening Post as my only study as the influence from others can visually form my paper however the reader interest is crucial to the magazine therefore if they like or dislike an aspect of papers, why include it?

I have carried out my questionnaire to see the results!

How old are you? A lot of people I asked to fill out my question sheet were in the 22-50 category, perhaps a primary audience of the newspaper industry. I also asked several people aged 10-21 as this audience is similar to me and offers an array of views on the paper that are different to mine.

What newspapers do they read? 
i, Observer, guardian, Times, North Somerset Times, Metro , The Sun

Entertainment IIII
Informed VII
Sport III
Pull-outs I

Do you read the Evening Post? 
Never  IIII       Weekly VII           Daily IIII


Local V    Expert VI      None  I

How many images? 

None VI     1-2  IIII       3+  II

What price? 
30p V           50p III       £1 II

Specific feature in dream newspaper? 

- Voting for local events
- Free food
- In depth sport coverage
- Film/Music focus
- Local achievements

Type of Coupon? 

- Food vouchers

Are you swayed by adverts in papers? 

Yes III        No VIIII

Do you read the whole paper/what do you avoid? 

Yes I                 No VVI                Sport II

Do you have the papers delivered to your door? 

Yes IIII           No  VIIII

Do you rely on a newspaper to give you feedback or opinion on events such as reviews? 
Yes VI              No IIII

Is a free paper that much more appealing than a priced one? 

Yes II                 No VIIII

What on a cover would deter you from purchasing a copy of a local paper?

Sport I
Celebrity II
Meaningless stories II
Bright colours I
Gossip I
Just text II
Sensationalist Headlines II

How much of an article do you read?

All  VIII           3/4  I              1/2  I

Favourite supplements? 

Shop offers III
Sport VI
Local pull-out/ Car/Business/Sport III

Name of local newspaper? 

The Element VIIII
The Herald II
The Marine IIII
Town Weekly I
Local Evening Press

local paper: Portishead People

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