Tuesday 28 June 2011


How old are you?
10- 21 22-50 51+?
Do you read any newspapers, if so specify?
Do you read the Evening Post?
Never... Weekly... Every Day...
What do you read a newspaper for?
To be informed... To be entertained... Pullout... Sport... All of these...
What is preferred by you:
- local opinion...
- expert opinion...
- no opinion, facts...
How many images do you like to see on a story on the inside page?
As many a possible...One,I don't need anymore..2+...None, I want the text, not photos.
What price would you pay for a local newspaper?
What specific feature would you like to see in your dream newspaper?
What type of coupon do you like to use from a paper?
Are you swayed by particular adverts in the paper?
Do you read the whole paper? If no, what do you avoid?
Do you have the paper delivered to the door?
Do you rely on a paper to give you feedback or opinion on events such as reviews?
Is a free paper that much more appealing than a priced one?
What on a cover page would deter you from purchasing a copy of a local paper?
How much of an article do you read?
What supplements would you like as part of a local paper?
What would you call it from the following..

The Element …....
The Herald....
The Marine...
Town Weekly.....
local Evening Press...


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