Sunday 26 June 2011

'portisheadpeople' - an alternative and more local study

'portishead peoples' much brighter and heavy cover page

page numbers; an aspect I really like about the local paper, something incorporated or perhaps influenced by webpages and papers such as the 'i' who offer a chic alternative look to the daily newspaper.

contrasting layout to the post

the use of feedback/comments; nice image, use of colour and the clear convergence onto the webpage. Also the adverts on the page are to heavier ratio here than in the evening post.

3 images! Picture heavy, headshot effective
'i' style topics at the top of the page, nice splash of colour

interaction, comment, simple but effective technique, colour use

zoom on portisheadpeople style, if it is theirs? 

inside page, busy, reliant on advertising

2 large adverts, advert ratio here much higher

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