Sunday 26 June 2011

Questionnaire - Target Audience

I need to find my target audience. Analyse what people want, or what people already read? I will do this by creating a questionnaire similar to the one I have created below to gauge opinion to form my local newspaper..

How old are you?
10-50             51+?
Do you read any newspapers, if so specify?
Do you read the Evening Post?
Never...Weekly...Every Day...
What do you read a newspaper for?
To be informed...To be entertained...Pullout...Sport...All of these...
What is preferred by you:
- local opinion...
- expert opinion...
- no opinion, facts...
How many images do you like to see on a story on the inside page?
As many a possible...One,I don't need anymore..2+...None, I want the text, not photos...

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