Saturday 9 July 2011

Evening Post vs My Newspaper


My front cover will be my immediate focus once I start using the Mac software to create my publication and I will outlay this focus by drafting my front cover through IT. I want to ensure that I don't ignore the Evening Post model I have as a very successful local paper, and mine should not be too far off it. If it is then my paper won't appear professional or real. I have to bear in mind things such as pricing which my audience want and be realistic with my production.
I have to have a balance between advertising and stories and the stories have to appeal to my specific audience. I want the strap line to be bold and memorable, and for that to almost direct the title of my paper as this phrase will be integral in both my inside page, my radio advert as well as my poster. It's this sort of motto or strap line that spreads the word and buys you a readership. Here are some examples from professional publications:


My inside page will consist of two adverts and four stories, of which should fit to the initial layout plan above. I want to have images for each story although the middle two will share the same format.

This is recording of my interview which I then re-recorded in order to post it here on my blog. The initial interview was carried out the same day via Dictaphone although I didn't want to focus solely on one person speaking. I had hoped to run it just as audio therefore the image here on the video is intended to be black.

This interview was with my mother as a regular Evening Post reader and as someone who didn't fill out my questionnaire, it was an unbiased way of gaining more views and opinion for my own local newspaper.

A few photos of each
sketches vs copies of EP.
word count
table of comparisons - price etc


For my radio advert I can call upon my weeks work experience with Heart Radio. A radio station aimed at predominantly females aged 22-49. I learnt alot about the importance of target audience whilst with the Heart Radio team and found out that there is a lot more to the radio than simply the presenters.

Everything is edited to make it sound the best it possibly can and for my radio advert I will use programmes such as iMovie to edit sound as well as perhaps Final Cut. I was using software similar which enabled me to listen back to recordings and interviews and cut the irrelevance or soundbytes that aren't of interest.

My advert won't be as short as a news story although it won't be any longer than a bulletin, therefore I need to capture my audience with the concept of my local newspaper and make them buy in to it.

I needed to make sure that every news story I was putting forward for the presenters to use was acceptable and that the words and lexical choices followed the Heart brand. I need to do the same with my local newspaper and use the correct lexical choices over others.

What I have learnt
Will it help create my advert
What does it need to involve
Audio bites

What will I use to create paper?

Following my own experience in producing the school newspaper and visit to Weston Mercury, they also use InDesign therefore for a local newspaper my access to this facility and the skills I have built up since the production of my music magazine mean that this ought to work fine, and prove to not throw up too many problems.

Word/Notepad to write stories
The articles need to be of quality although where they are initially wrote isn't as important. I will use these standard programmes to draft my articles for my newspaper. Although ensuring I get the correct font is important and I will have to do research on standard fonts already within the programmes I will use. As well as using Internet sites such 1001 free fonts, as I did for my music magazine in order to select the correct font resulting in a professional finish for my local paper.

Photos - Photoshop
I will use PhotoShop to edit my images again having used it previously during the production of my music magazine, including cropping them in order to fit to my page.

Radio Advert thoughts
- Initially I believe my advert will be short and sharp and will include alot of overlapping opinion and positive background soundtrack to give off the sense of this community feel-good newspaper. It will of course include my slogan towards the end of the clip, and I need to ensure voices are clear and not monotonous to make sure my paper is the one everyone is talking about.

What does it need to include:
-Where you can get it?
- How much (emphasis on price)?
- Examples on past stories
- Exclusive Interviews
- Local news
- Always first to know, adjectives, "reliable, packed out, looks well-good", chatty tone.
- Dialogue between readers
- How much they love it
- Upbeat music towards end

I want to have some background music, potential sounds are:
- Pencil Full of Lead - Paolo Nutini
- Big Things - Fiction
- Twist and Shout - The Beatles
- Can't Stand Me Now - The Libertines (Intro only)
- Parkbench Blues - Ralfe Band
- Bittersweet Symphony - The Verve

The soundtrack needs to loosely fit with the Target Audience as a catchy and successful song could make the advert alone.

Examples of Radio Ads (below)

I like this advert as the chatty conversation is similar to sort of style that I would like however I don't like the footsteps after the initial conversation. The ending of the advert is great, with a renowned disco track, upbeat, creating a feel-good factor for the local newspaper. 

Here, I have picked out a advert from 'The Sun', national daily tabloid newspaper, although it is a TV ad, I though carefully about what is involved and like the style and tone of the speaker, celebrity - Jamie Oliver. The sharp adjectives as well as the basic sell reflect a buzzing newspaper, the noises and voiceover is lively and includes plenty of superlatives.

This is one of the favourite TV adverts I have found as I really like the background noise, it appears very local, and very normal. The conversation is a little cheesy although the dialogue is ideal and persuasive. The music is again upbeat forming a real interest in the paper and the concept from the ad and music alone. The background noise appears very normal and local, as it feels like a real-life discussion in the kitchen or something. The advert is short and snappy and you genuinely feel involved with the newspaper after, this example is certainly one I will look to use ideas and inspiration off.

- White pristine background?
- Minimalistic
- Price
- House Style
- Colourful
- Use of stripes
- Local landmarks

Poster Examples:

Sun Advert: Celebrity face, Harry Redknapp, not just opinion sells it.

This is basic but effective for a local fictional paper
Advertising: Simplistic works?

My Poster: 1st Draft

Initial Sketch: Simple, understood, modern

MY WORK at Bristol Evening Post

Below are images of my pieces which I wrote whilst at the Evening Post


- Name: The Element
- Audience: Aimed at Parents of all ages, most of whom will have children at the local schools.
- Stories: 
Bristol City Charity Match visit school
Crime: Knife attack in Portishead
Spread: Pubs set to close down
Sport: Tough start for Posset in Cup
House Prices increase in P'head
Waitrose set for expansion
Charity Cycle Ride - Pretend Celeb Star
Murder: followed story
Neighbour jailed over spat
- Potential Photos: 
-Bristol City archive - As a season ticket holder and after organising an event for two Bristol City players to come into our school, I have plenty of images and enough information to make this a story, providing it fits the criteria of my target audience.
-Pictures of houses in Marina - Pretend photo of Estate Agent valuing the house?
-Pictures of Waitrose Supermarket, local, clear, I work there, easy to do.
- Charity Cycle Ride, clean up bike, Battery Point, War Memorial, Iconic - of high importance? Could be striking.
- Create my own map of area where a murderer went along with timings etc, this could include cut out of previous edition showing credability and previous story
- Gang shot - Crime
- Mug shot - mise-en-scene important - could even use silhouette black/white image - underage convict?
- Pubs set to close- images of several Pubs in Area, might not work due to Pub Activity?
- Portishead Town face tough cup draw - could show stressed manager in correct clothing? Tracksuit, Initials on tracksuit etc?

- Potential Adverts:
-Food Outlet - "BITEtoEAT"
- Houses pull-out - pictures of Vale/Housing Estate
- Cars for sale - PICTURE of Family/Friends Car
- Football inside - Local matches/Bristol City
- Travel voucher/WIN/Competition inside - ensuring it isn't tacky - Holiday Photos could be used?

What essential things do my Target Audience want?


Considering that during this task of creating my local newspaper I need to use closely the main case study of the Evening Post. I spent a weeks work experience at the sports' desk becoming accustomed with software and how the layout is vital to how the post sells. I learnt many things on how to write the article, the style, the importance of being concise as well as a host of other things.

- Letters rather than Numbers
One thing I learnt was that the numbers in a written article depending on what they are can appear differently. Professional publications , local and national papers tend to use the rule that any number below 10 should be written out, ie 4 as four, and anything above the number 10 is to be written as a number , for example, "there were 17 arrests made"

-Inverted pyramid
The structure of the articles within a paper are completly different to that of writing in a story, the headline is intended to jump out, and almost give the story away. This technique allows the busy reader time to navigate through the paper, avoiding perhaps areas which don't interest them or even offend them, allowing them time to focus on specific areas. A point backed up by my firm target audience research where my questionnaire poses the question, do you read the whole newspaper?
The inverted pyramid is a structure which uses the headline to give a brief description of what has happened before allowing visual methods to select importance such as boldness or size of print. The pyramid has a set up of giving you all the information the reader wants to know straight away. These bits of information are often found in the 'intro' where 20 words or so describe what has happened, usually where, who and perhaps why? The why question is then often delved into and the others into more detail such as time, exact location and more details about the persons involved.

The intro also contains the first word in bold which is just a common technique used by the Evening Post and many other papers to form the 'correct' structure of an article. More often than not, it also gives the reader direction by telling you the location of the story. For example a story may start "PORTISHEAD teenagers are being advised to.."

Whilst I was at the Evening Post, I was informed that apart from the headline, the intro is the most important part of the piece. It essentially sells papers.

- Headline regulars
Bristol Evening Post as my main example uses regular words to describe actions or stories, something which the reader than buys into, building a rapport and trust between reader and the paper itself. The idea that if the newspaper labels an event as 'pathetic' then the reader, especially regular is likely to agree with them and trust the paper as a reliable source, therefore regularly referring to this brand, in this case, the Evening Post for information.
This idea of reliability and the link with readers is crucial with such heavy strain on the print industry, a strong relationship with readers, throwing comments and opinion back and forth whilst agreeing or supporting each-other  through a campaign or something similar results in sales at the end of the day.

Examples of these lexis I have took from the Evening Post..

Alot of these refer to the negative context of crime, probably the main topic the Evening Post covers, as it always comes from the angle against the criminals, and fully behind community and victim.

-Few puns but alliteration
The content of the local paper for Bristol isn't full of puns and sarcastic comments unlike a tabloid newspaper such as the Sun therefore when creating my headlines etc I need to remember that most of my stories will be either Crime or Charity related like alot are in the paper rather than positive or perhaps celebrity based similar to a daily national paper.
The Post does however use some alliteration to ensure the paper isn't completely disinteresting for the reader and just there to inform. It entertains as many headlines involve quotations or alliteration, another way of maintaining an interested reader.

Captions are something I was lucky enough to write for the paper therefore I know these need to be short and sharp highlighting the image on the page. In crime stories, it is often just one-word to show the papers serious stance on the issue a word such as 'Guilty' or 'Image from CCTV' reflects the mood and the information about the image that the reader needs to know. Captions are things that I will need to include with every original photo I have in my paper.

They tell you who wrote the article in the paper, for aesthetic purposes, when I create my paper I can create false names along with mine in the byline to add a sense of realism to my pages depending on how it looks. This is underneath the headline and if 'EXCLUSIVE' then underneath that too.

- 27pt on inside page
This is the size of the font which I know is correct for most headlines in the inside page, it is the one used by Bristol Evening Post for their main inside headlines. I will be changing the size of the font although not the font itself to prioritise stories and information on the page, such as the Main Headline, Sub-Headline, Intro, Byline, Caption, Quotes as well as different stories on the same pages being different sizes.
The Evening Post use a formatted system where they save previous layouts and continue to use successful ones, for example with the main story in the centre and stories, above,below, left and right of it, with the sub-headline in a smaller font.

- Features on the eyes
I need to pick what realistically I can use as my eyes, certain recent editions have framed special events such as the Balloon Fiesta taking up the whole top section of the paper with a running-campaign of 'Coupon Tuesday' linking with the importance of the 'eyes' and the advertisers for them.
Certain ones that would be easier for me to pick out would be 'Jobs' inside or something similar,  A property or housing advert as well as a food store (a fake one created by me) with a voucher off from that food outlet. All of these I have seen and continue to see on the front of the Evening Post therefore my paper, which will take similar shape could also include similar adverts on the front page, and eyes in particular.

- Deadlines
The deadlines are probably the most important thing above the writing, the visual side of the newspaper, if the newspaper doesn't go to print on time and to the deadline then it won't print. Fortunately over the years deadlines have been made later and later although in order for my paper to be successful I need to stick to my own plans, in order to create my fictional yet professional publication.

- Headings
As already mentioned briefly, the main heading of my newspaper needs to be concise but strong enough and interesting enough to make the reader buy the paper. I need to remember things such as target audience and the answers to my questionnaire to avoid for example putting lots of Sport on the front page, especially if its unwanted. The headline is likely to be crime based although I am still building a plan on potential stories etc.
The font will be bold and traditional in terms of typeface to other local and national newspapers, I also need to use similar words to those regularly seen in the Evening Post and similar news publications. I need to create drama and the element of surprise in my headline alone.

- Checking work
An integral part of writing the articles, is checking for spelling mistakes, grammatical mistakes as well as anything else that could make the article wrong. The sub-editors I was working with have a job to oversee and issues such as spelling although I will need to erase these myself before fictionally, going to print.

- Decline in industry
The economic downturn has been well-documented although the newspaper industry in particular has been affected and my newspaper in order for it to work needs to be different. I have witnessed the Evening Post and meetings where they are looking to change and explore new ways of freshening up the paper, with that focus in mind I want my paper to appeal to most ages. Still use many traditional ways and formats similar to the ones mentioned above although particularly use more colour, have more comments and more domineering images on the cover.
I want my paper to appear modern and chic reflecting the town I live in, an area which the paper will be based upon, Portishead. This area contains wealthy city commuters as well as several footballers, a bustling high-street and a picturesque Marina setting, I want this to be evident just by picking up and viewing my magazine.

- Sportsdesk vs News
I will be creating a front-cover as well as an inside page, therefore I won't be focussing on Sport realistically unless it's in the ears of my paper at the top of the cover. Therefore I need to acknowledge that the Sportsdesk where I was based during my work placement is different to real-life news stories. The stories I will have will probably see less quotations as well as omitted features such as Match Reports and Fixtures that fill up space in the Sports section.

- Target Audience
The key thing to remember during my production of my newspaper is that the target audience research I have done is important, and that the paper I will create, the brand, the image, the stories I will use is for them and ought to apply to them. If that isn't the case then my paper simply will not have been a success.

- Cutting down match reports
Another aspect of the decline in newspapers is the idea that they are old-fashioned and in particular on the Sports section, meetings were ongoing during the week I was there and probably still are looking to revamp Match Reports and the way the Sports news is given to the readers. Lengthy match reports as well as betting and a mass of stats are likely to be lost, with more emphasis on images, a new look set of visuals as well as more fan opinion and perhaps more emphasis on expert writers, who I spent alot of time with during my week there.

- Plan of action
Why is this helpful? Now I have a clear direction of what I want from my newspaper, 'the Element' as it is called at the moment following TA feedback, I also have a clear understanding of the best-selling paper in the Bristol area, although one that is still struggling with the online industry developing. I now need to challenge my paper to form everything I believe the Post is lacking along with my own style and touch in order to build an impressive local newspaper.

Analysis of my questionnaire

Questionnaire time!
After creating my questionnaire I have narrowed down and established what my audience for my paper will be. I have researched existing local newspapers whilst taking features from national newspapers such as the 'i' and basic knowledge from tabloids such as the Mirror and the Sun.

It is important to not just solely focus on the Evening Post as my only study as the influence from others can visually form my paper however the reader interest is crucial to the magazine therefore if they like or dislike an aspect of papers, why include it?

I have carried out my questionnaire to see the results!

How old are you? A lot of people I asked to fill out my question sheet were in the 22-50 category, perhaps a primary audience of the newspaper industry. I also asked several people aged 10-21 as this audience is similar to me and offers an array of views on the paper that are different to mine.

What newspapers do they read? 
i, Observer, guardian, Times, North Somerset Times, Metro , The Sun

Entertainment IIII
Informed VII
Sport III
Pull-outs I

Do you read the Evening Post? 
Never  IIII       Weekly VII           Daily IIII


Local V    Expert VI      None  I

How many images? 

None VI     1-2  IIII       3+  II

What price? 
30p V           50p III       £1 II

Specific feature in dream newspaper? 

- Voting for local events
- Free food
- In depth sport coverage
- Film/Music focus
- Local achievements

Type of Coupon? 

- Food vouchers

Are you swayed by adverts in papers? 

Yes III        No VIIII

Do you read the whole paper/what do you avoid? 

Yes I                 No VVI                Sport II

Do you have the papers delivered to your door? 

Yes IIII           No  VIIII

Do you rely on a newspaper to give you feedback or opinion on events such as reviews? 
Yes VI              No IIII

Is a free paper that much more appealing than a priced one? 

Yes II                 No VIIII

What on a cover would deter you from purchasing a copy of a local paper?

Sport I
Celebrity II
Meaningless stories II
Bright colours I
Gossip I
Just text II
Sensationalist Headlines II

How much of an article do you read?

All  VIII           3/4  I              1/2  I

Favourite supplements? 

Shop offers III
Sport VI
Local pull-out/ Car/Business/Sport III

Name of local newspaper? 

The Element VIIII
The Herald II
The Marine IIII
Town Weekly I
Local Evening Press

local paper: Portishead People