Monday 26 March 2012

Audience feedback

What elements of my production appeal directly to my target audience?
“local news would appeal to me”
“young and fresh”
“formal for older audience”
“includes things that directly affect local community”
“family feel”
"local news"
What message do you think I'm trying to represent with my brand? 
“it reflects and represents the local people”
“an enthusiastic coverage of events”
“local news”
“community spirit”
“the coming together of people”
Do you feel the newspaper applies to yourself? Why or why not? 
“gives the local interest”
“meets local demands of local news, effects locals”
“interested in local news, well written”
“very topical"
"the sports pull-out"
Does the newspaper appear professional? Why or why not? 
“its fresh and interesting”
“neat lay-out and good photos”
"lay-out appears professional"
“newspaper is professional looking”
“professionally reported and presented”
“very formal structure”
What creates a sufficient and evident link between the ancillary and main tasks? 
“poster and paper correlate well” 

I am very satisfied with my feedback as it reflects that my A2 coursework has been very successful in production. There are appears to be a clear understanding from my audience that filled out my questionnaire post-production of my newspaper and the brand that it creates.

The target audience are crucial to my newspaper and the sense of satisfaction and grasp of 'the Element' is pleasing to know. The audience appear to understand the "fresh and interesting" lay-out which creates a unique "family feel" brand.

In relation to my second question, my newspaper evidently is portrayed convincingly as a local newspaper. This is clear through the feedback to my second question, which would suggest that I have successfully fulfilled the initial A2 task, to create a local newspaper package.

Whether the newspaper is relevant to my target audience is difficult as some members of the audience who viewed my newspaper would have been excluded, if I was to define my target audience. However the majority of my audience , the newspaper appears to comfortably apply to them, following feedback such as "meets the local demands for local news" and "very topical" implying there is significant relevance.

The paper was intended to appear professional, to the level that it would not appear out of place alongside an established local paper such as the 'Bristol Evening Post'. Hence, I asked the simple question to gauge my audience's views on the authenticity of my newspaper. The overwhelming compliments in response to the question, label my paper simply as "professional", and "formal" which is important to remember and maintain. 

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